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In order to enhance the scientific knowledge, research ability, and presentation skills of students of all
classes, the School of Dentistry announced a competition for best presentations in dental science.
Each presentation contained a concept, idea, technique, and advances in any branch of Dentistry.
The evaluation criteria included topic selection, presentation skills, quality of PowerPoint, language fluency (English), and time (25 min). Accordingly, the best 10 presenters received awards.

On Thursday, May 21, 2020. Students from School of Nursing and Midwifery Defended their Research Proposal Viva Voce Through Online Meeting Platforms. The Defense organized by Department of Research and Community Services at Amoud University College of Health Sciences.

The Panelists included: Vitalis Okoth,Josiah Osiri,Mirriam Mutuku, Mukhtar Abdi, Mukhtar Ahmed, Takawal Abdi and Abdiqani Mohamed from School of Postgraduate Studies and Research, and Yusuf Hareed, Roda Ibrahim, Ayaan Abiib, Naima, Bureeqa From Amoud University College of Health Sciences.

On Monday 13, April 2020, Amoud University College of Health Sciences had its weekly meeting via #Video_Conference. During the Virtual meeting Several issues where discussed such as: Online Education Platforms use, Training, and monitoring, different school Evaluation of Online education progress presented by the Deans.

The Virtual meeting attended by Principal of AUCHS, Deans, Associate Deans ,head of Departments and Administration assistance.


ACHS Principal, Dean, Associate Dean, Administration Staff and Head of Departments.

Dr. Jibril Handuleh, has started a three year residency program in Psychiatry at St. Paul's Hospital Millenium Medical College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Dr. Jibril is a former public health and clinical psychiatry researcher based at Amoud University, Borama, Somaliland. His research interests are psychiatry services, infectious diseases epidemiology, health systems and non communicable disease control and policy in Somalia and the WHO EMRO region countries. Methods are mixed methods and literature reviews with special interest in qualitative research. His last project in public health/ infectious disease control was research on Bovine Tuberculosis prevalence and its associated risk factors among cattle and agro-pastoralists in Awdal region, Somaliland. he has published several papers and more works can be read from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Djibril_Handuleh.



Dr. Hassan Elmi lecturer at Amoud University College of Health Sciences (ACHS)


In another related news, Dr. Hassan Elmi has also started a four year residency training program in Surgery through the same Ethiopian government partial scholarship. Dr Hassan Elmi is a Medical Doctor at Borama Regional Hospital and Lecturer of Amoud University School of Medicine. In addition he is also a Physician at Alhayatt Amoud University Teaching and Referral Hospital.

Get In Touch

Amoud University, College of Health Sciences, Borama

  • Add: West of Borama Town, Opposite Rays Hotel
  • Tel: +252 63 4455145
  • Email: walhad@amoduniversity.org
  • Hotline: +252 63 4455191

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